New Shotgun Shell Recycling Program

If you have followed our company for long you may know that our first order of business is to provide great hunting and shooting to our wonderful clients and make every trip the adventure of a lifetime. But you may not know that one of the tenets of our business is to give back to the communities in which we operate.

For years now we have been very active in the Córdoba region with community centers and food kitchens, where we deliver food to the needy each day. In addition, we have provided a mobile medical clinic for the underprivileged of Córdoba. We love this part of our work and we see the difference we make in our communities every day.

However, we are now very excited to announce that we have recently entered into a partnership with a local recycling facility, and started recycling both the brass and plastic components of the shotgun shells we shoot on our dove hunts. This is not an insignificant volume of empty hulls, as each week we generate thousands and thousands of empty shells that we collect from the field after each of our dove shoots. It turns out that the plastic used in shotgun shell manufacturing is very strong and well-suited to recycling, so this material is easily melted and transformed into little pellets, that are later used in all sorts of manufacturing, such as recycled plastic sunglasses. The metal components, on the other hand, are melted and go into the typical metal recycling stream.

We hope to be able to provide additional details very soon, and it would be our goal to complete the circle by turning the plastic into something useful that would help us continue our charitable works in the region. We would also like to invite other shooting operators to join us in making the recycling of empty shells a daily habit.

Together we can keep the fields cleaner, help others, and build a more sustainable business model- while still providing some of the greatest shooting imaginable!

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